1. Too quick, maybe
While customers are still stuck to CS, Adobe is serving them a different dish all together, theCreative Cloud (CC).
Adobe says since its inception, CC has seen 500,000 subscriptions. They see a changing, responsive market and early adoption is one smart thing to embrace.
2. One big elephant
Working on two very different platforms was cumbersome for Adobe.
Leaving aside multiple platforms and gradually moving onto one big elephant, CC, will make it harder for Adobe to maintain. Maybe it will require intense focus, energy and resources butfighting on one front is better than fighting on multiple fronts.
3. Faster iteration
The cloud version will have better iterations at better turnaround times and at a much faster rate. This model makes sense considering the adoption time of the boxed software is much more.
4. Value Driven
Faster iterations and adoption will lead to better value for customers. They will pay for what they use, which is bang for the buck.
This will help Adobe in attaining valued place in the market with respect to new upcoming technologies and collaboration with different platforms.
5. Piracy up-selling
As quoted by Adobe’s product marketing Director, “This isn’t to reduce piracy, they know how to crack, and they will”.
So instead of wasting their effort on reducing piracy, they went the other way, with a much agile, quicker and sensible subscription based model. Making it affordable for everyone.
CC membership for individuals is Rs 2,700 a month based on annual membership
Existing customers who own CS3 (CS) to CS 5.5 can get their first year of CC at Rs 1,600 p.m. Promotional pricing for teams – Rs 2,885 p.m.
Bingo!! Two birds one stone and a burdgeoning customer base. For me, Kudos to Adobe!!
Picture Courtesy: Himanshu Khanna